I was recently asked for some advice on chalking a poem. The chalker felt like her poem was too short.
Short is fine. Often I just chalk a stanza or a line from a poem. Especially when I am limited to the app version. When I am outside there are fewer limits; there's more space. I have also chalked on a chalkboard easel that I commandeered from my children. Chalking a poem is a challenge but a fun one. I hope you will join.
Since this question was posed I thought I would do three versions of chalking with the same poem. This will show some ways to make it work and make it fun!
Here is the poem in its entirety on my driveway. It was inspired by a new hobby of my husband's, penny art. He is taking old pennies, pounding them out with a hammer and putting poetic lines on them with metal stamps (this one has a Neruda quote). The only space I had that wasn't ice covered was under my car, which worked out pretty nicely for a chalk poem in December!

Penny Jar
a well of stories
a penny holds
each year a new
each year an old
a cent for candy
a cent for tea
a coin to capture
a story key
Here is my little easel chalkboard. I chose four lines that I felt made their own poem and chalked them here.
On the app I have very little space. So I just "chalked" the title and my favorite lines.
Get your chalk, real or virtual, write up a poem and take a photo. Post it to your blog and link it here! If you use twitter, tweet your chalk using #chalkabration!
Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve!
Let's Begin:
Linda joins us with a poem that is a shout-out to Chalk-A-Bration! She also offers a nice round-up of events in 2013! Be sure to go check her out at Teacherdance.
Stacey from Raising a Literate Human is chalking for the first time today using her iPad! Take a peek at a poem for her daughter as we round the corner into 2014.
Margaret and her students are chalking out the old year with great offerings today. Find them at Reflections on the Teche.
My mother-in-law tried to brave the elements but realized once she got outside, things would change. I love this un-chalked poem!

Leigh Anne is joining in for some chalk fun with the app today for the first time! Go see her OLW and poem for #chalkabration over at A Day in the Life.
Robin at Teaching Tomorrow's Leaders wrote a poem and got some help from her kids this time around for Chalk-A-Bration.