Join Kellee and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and share your picture books or YA reading!
We have been a focused little bunch in my kindergarten classroom working to draw pictures that tell a story. In an effort to continue to show some great examples of well illustrated stories I have been on a hunt for more wordless books. Here were my findings.
Enchanted Lion Books has a six book series that includes three authors of "Stories Without Words." The titles include Ice and The Giant Seed by Arthur Geisert. The chicken Thief, Fox and Hen Together, and Rooster's Revenge a trilogy of stories by Béatrice Rodriguez. Bear Despair, the most recent publication by Gaëtan Dorémus. Each one of these stories has captivating characters with simple yet detailed illustrations. Some of the illustrations are done only with pen. Some are ink and watercolor with the characters darkly outlined. I am so excited to have come across these books. They are just the thing I need to show how details can be done in simple ways while carrying a big message.

I also came across the book Looking Down by Steve Jenkins. This book is illustrated with torn paper and cutouts. It begins with a look from space and each page zeros in closer to the final page, a magnified illustration. I think I will save this one for later when I introduce maps and globes in our social studies units.

Hi there Betsy, I thought I know a lot of wordless books, but seems like I'm mistaken. Arthur Geisert is also a favorite, but I haven't seen these titles yet. Beatrice Rodriguez is also another discovery. You might want to check out this link as I've done a pretty extensive round up of wordless picture books last year (it was one of our bimonthly themes) - it might help you source for more titles:
Looking Down looks fascinating! I love the idea of using it when you introduce maps and globes. Thanks for sharing.... Here is my It's Monday! What Are You Reading? update
I don't know any of these books. I bet my daughter would enjoy them!
Steve Jenkins is AWESOME! How did I miss that one? The wordless ones look interesting. Will have to add them to the TBR list.
These look marvelous, Betsy, all of them. I hope they aren't too new so I can find them at the library. A teacher last year gathered a huge collection of wordless picture books and each student chose one and wrote the story to go with the pictures. They loved doing it! I like your idea to show how many details can be shown with a simple message. Thanks!
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