Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's it to you?

 Slice with Ruth Ayres and Stacey Shubitz at Two Writing Teachers and read from a diverse group of slicers!

I have been home, all day. Cleaning a little, putting away a few things, playing with the kids, normal stuff. My life recently has not been this normal flow. We have been on the go! Finally we settled back into our home and all I kept telling myself is..."get on your computer, get your slice done already." Here it is, almost 7:00 p.m. I have had all day and I can't think of anything.

Yet, I know I have thought of many lines and just not felt it:

"What's it like to be behind a mirror?"
"I wonder what it would be like to be a well dweller?"
"Tree people" I can't wait to see that movie Epic due out in 2013. It's like they were in my brain.
"Fruit flies. Who invited them while we were camping and visiting family?"
"New fish." Our fish were fine but they needed new friends. "I wonder what living in a new tank is like?"
I saw a sugar glider at the pet store today. "I had no idea sugar gliders were so ornery, hmmm, I want one!"
"I want a pond."
"I need a little of my own skin time, no one on me...literally." Kids are hanging, bored, pulling, ayaiaiai!
"Bunnies are so cute." My kids saw a "bunny cat" today. It was actually just the neighbors cat, but in the right light, it looked like a bonafied bunny.
"I want a bunny."
"I love frog hunting with my kids." (Fun times at my parents house).
"Frogs are so sticky and it is remarkable that little guys will curl up on you if you let them to feel your heat."
"I love frogs. I want one."


So, I read. I read some poetry from a great book, The Tree That Time Built, selected poems by Mary Ann Hoberman and Linda Winston. I read a little Word After Word After Word by Patricia MacLachlan. I even read Babymouse: Queen of the World and I still sat here. Perplexed. Bewildered. Hmm....

Then I checked my stats. What are people reading on my blog. I decided to join in and re-read my blog a bit. Then I went back to the start of the school year and read to see where my head was at. Have you re-read your blog? It is eye opening. What's it to you? You should find out.
Then I read my whole "reprogramming" series. So funny to look back at yourself...hmm...kind of like being behind the mirror. I wonder what that would be like?


Laura said...

OK - love the comment about needing your own skin time. My girls are grown, but I remember that as one of the most frustrating things when they were little and I was sweaty hot in the summertime.

drferreriblogspot.com said...

This is just how our students feel on many days - they just need time to read and think - and prepare for another day of writing.

Michelle said...

I love this post because you are so right. Not sure what to write? Well, rule #1: Just write. And then add a sprinkle of reflecting and there you go! A new slice is ready to be shared! I like the idea of going back and rereading old posts too. So interesting, kind of like being behind that mirror.

So glad you wrote today!

Robin said...

Great idea to go back and retread your old posts...I will try that soon. I love the part about needing your own skin time! I can really relate to that. I love my children dearly, but it's a good idea to have a needed breather sometimes too.

bonnie K said...

What a full post with everything that's in your head. I'm exhausted now :)

OneSunflower said...

I love the description of being behind a mirror. It is interesting to go back into blogs. I do the same thing when I'm looking for inspiration.